字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>基的英文翻譯 “基”的日文翻譯



base; basic; foundation; key; primary; radix
【化】 group; radical
【醫】 base; basement; group; radical


基 jī 建築物的根腳:基石。基礎。奠基。 根本的,起始的:基本。基業。基層。...


1.radix  2.group  3.bed  4.basis  5.pyridyl  6.bismuthino  7.basestock  


  1. 他們在外國保持多少個軍事地?
    How many military bases are they maintaining on foreign soil?
  2. 知道她成長的背景是理解她著作的礎。
    A knowledge of her upbringing is basic to an understanding of her books.
  3. 由於地不牢,這所房子已下陷。
    Weak foundations caused the house to subside.
  4. 他通過學習和努力工作為成功打下了礎。
    He laid the foundation of his success by study and hard work.
  5. 這地不夠牢固,無法承受房屋的重量。
    The foundations were not strong enough to sustain the weight of the house.
  6. 那位海軍軍官讓他離開地。
    The naval officer asked him to stay away from the base.
  7. 火箭繞地球運行一周后返回地。
    The rocket did one circuit of the earth and returned to base.
  8. 許多語言都以拉丁語為礎。
    Many languages have Latin as their base.
