拼音:hú zuò fēi wéi英文解釋:
act wildly against law and public opinion【法】 malfeasance; run amuck
不顧法紀或輿論,任意胡來他仗著他爸爸的勢力胡作非為 >>查看“胡作非為”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 昨天一位男子在火車上胡作非為—他打傷了兩名鐵路員工,砸碎了幾扇車廂窗戶。A man ran amok in the train yesterday—he struck two railway staff and smashed several carriage windows.
- 如果你再繼續胡作非為的話,你一定要降職的。If you continue to act widely in defiance of the law you will be put down.
- 不能任其胡作非為。He is not allowed to commit any outrages.
- 工作使人類免除了三大流弊:生活乏味,胡作非為,一貧如洗。Work keeps us from three great evils : boredom, vice, and need.
- 越軌行為,胡作非為冒險的、不合乎傳統的行為或約定An adventurous, unconventional act or undertaking.
- 他沒有專心學業,而是尋歡作樂,當然還未達到胡作非為的程度。He leads a life not of study, but of joviality, though not of vice
- 他胡作非為,肆無忌憚。He gave himself up to evil without restraint.