拼音:hù tóu英文解釋:
與銀行、信用財會部門有資金業務往來的個人或團體立戶頭 >>查看“戶頭”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 這個戶頭為你提供了一個現成的收入來源。This account provides you with a ready source of income.
- 我在米德蘭銀行開有戶頭。I have an account with Midland Bank.
- 我要查一下銀行戶頭的結存餘額並提一些錢。I have to check the balance of my bank account and withdraw some money.
- 他父親給他150美元讓他在銀行開個戶頭。His father gave him$150 to start off his bank account.
- 他有兩個銀行戶頭可用。He kept two bank accounts open.