字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>護生的英文翻譯


拼音:hù shēng


【醫】 probationer nurse; student nurse


  1. 她看護生病的孩子直到他康復。
    She nursed the sick boy back to health.
  2. 關於西部大開發中保護生態環境問題的幾點思考
    Thoughts on Ecological Environment Protection in Western Development
  3. 莉莎和南希輪流熬夜守護生病的弟弟。
    Liza and Nancy took turns about, sitting up with their sick brother.
  4. 複合動力車將會幫助我們節省汽油和保護生態環境。
    Hybrid cars will help us conserve gas and protect the environment.
  5. 男性在劇烈運動中穿著保護生殖器的一種衣服。
    a support for the genitals worn by men engaging in strenuous exercise
  6. 我們長期以來一直支持綠黨保護生態環境的目標.
    We have long sympathized with the aims of the Green Party
  7. 護生美的素質的培養和訓練
    Fostering and train to aesthetic quality of students the nursing spectality
  8. 剛果並不是唯一要使用高科技保護生態的國家。
    Congo is not the only country about to apply technology to conservation.
