字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>虎鉗的英文翻譯 “虎鉗”的日文翻譯


拼音:hǔ qián


【化】 vice


1.jawvice  2.crampingframe  3.legvice  


  1. 鉗,夾夾子或老虎鉗,用來固定機器部件到位、或控制其運動或把兩個該種機件連線起來
    A clamp or vise that holds a machine part in place or controls its movement or that holds two such parts together.
  2. 虎鉗由金屬或木頭做成的鉗夾工具,通常由兩個靠螺旋或標桿進行開合的部件組成,用於木工業或五金業中使物件定位
    A clamping device of metal or wood, usually consisting of two jaws closed or opened by a screw or lever, used in carpentry or metalworking to hold a piece in position.
  3. 虎鉗是用螺栓擰在工作檯上的。
    The vice is bolted to the work-bench.
  4. 像老虎鉗一樣夾緊某物
    get a vice-like grip on sth
  5. 球拍夾虎鉗狀的防止球拍彎曲變形的裝置
    A viselike device for keeping a racket from warping
  6. 虎鉗由金屬或木頭做成的鉗夾工具,通常由兩個靠螺旋或標桿進行開合的部件組成,用於木工業或五金業中使物件定位
    lever, used in carpentry or metalworking to hold a piece in position
  7. 虎鉗是用螺栓擰在工作檯上的.
    The vice is bolted to the work-bench
  8. 把那老虎鉗遞給我,好嗎?
    pliers Hand me that pair of pliers, will you?
