拼音:huǒ róng英文解釋:
tinder; touchwood【醫】 agaric; amadou
艾絨加硝做成的火鐮、火石引火之物 >>查看“火絨”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 在去往火絨草峰的路上,我們看到了薩爾茲堡州的地標。On the way to the Edelweissspitze, we found a landmark of Land Salzburg
- 在去往火絨草峰的路上,我們看到了薩爾茲堡州的地標。On the way to the Edelweissspitze, we found a landmark of Land Salzburg.
- 他像火絨似的怒火中燒起來。“你說我撒謊?”他問道。He spunked up like tinder "Do you call me a liar" he said
- 他像火絨似的怒火中燒起來。“你說我撒謊?”他問道。He spunked up like tinder. "Do you call me a liar?" he said.