拼音:huò miǎn英文解釋:
exempt; release; remit【經】 exempt; exemption; immunity
免除立法豁免 >>查看“豁免”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.exemptfrom 2.release 3.immunities 4.remission 5.releasefrom 6.remittal 7.immunityfromtaxes 8.exemptionfromtaxes漢語造句:
- 確認這種豁免的檔案或收據A document or receipt certifying such release.
- 他們不會因這次違法行為而受到檢控-他們享有外交豁免權。They can't be prosecuted for this offence - they have diplomatic immunity.
- 豁免法律訴訟豁免,通常給予目擊證人以換取可能歸罪於其自身的證詞Exemption from legal prosecution, often granted a witness in exchange for self-incriminating testimony.
- 他有外交豁免權。He has diplomatic immunity.
- 稅已豁免。The taxes have been remitted.