拼音:huò gēn英文解釋:
an apple of discord; bane【法】 bane
禍事的根源,也指引起禍事的人或事物剷除禍根 >>查看“禍根”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 這車老是拋錨!真是我的禍根。That car is always breaking down! It’s the bane of my life.
- 噪音是現代城市生活的一大禍根。Noise is a curse of modern city life
- 恐怖主義是整個國家的禍根。Terrorism is a threat to the whole country
- 貪婪是損毀幸福的禍根。Avarice is the bane to happiness.
- 這場洪水將是沒有收成的禍根。This flood will be the ruin of the harvest.
- 酗酒是他一生的禍根。Drink was the bane of his life.
- 賭博往往是個禍根Gambling is often a curse