拼音:huò chuán英文解釋:
cargoboat【經】 cargo freighter; cargo ship; freight boat
以運輸貨物為主要用途的船隻 >>查看“貨船”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.freighter 2.cargofreighter 3.cargoboat 4.freightship 5.cargovessel 6.cargotank相關對話:
- 貨運飛機[貨輪/貨船]是運載貨物的。A cargo plane/ship/vessel carries cargo.
- 有些貨船因天氣惡劣而不能進入某些基地達數月之久。Some cargo vessels were weathered out of some base for several months.
- 他30歲時受僱於一艘貨船當了大副。At thirty, he signed on as first mate with a cargo ship.
- 快速巡邏艇迅即趕上那艘舊貨船。The fast cruiser soon overhauled the old cargo boat.
- 那艘外國貨船的船員已全部雇齊。The crew of that foreign freighter was fully hired on.