拼音:hūn yuē英文解釋:
affiance; betrothal; contract; engagement; precontract【法】 betrothal; contract of marriage; engagement to marry; marriage promise
matrimonial vows; precontract; promise of marrage; sponsalia
(1) ∶男女雙方對婚姻的約定(2) ∶有法定資格訂婚者之間的正式訂婚 >>查看“婚約”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.handfasting 2.handfast 3.precontract 4.plight 5.affiance 6.betrothal 7.contractofmarriage 8.contract相關對話:
- 簡與約翰解除婚約時,約翰曾一蹶不振,但不久就遇到一個更適合他的人。John was devastated when Jane broke off their engagement, but he soon met someone more suited to him.
- 他對她解除了婚約。He broke off his engagement to her.
- 你是否聽說約翰解除了他同瑪麗的婚約?Have you heard that John has broken off his engagement to Mary?
- 婚禮[婚約]取消了。The wedding/engagement is off.
- 她訂下的婚約極不匹配。She had contracted a most unsuitable marriage.