拼音:hùn luàn zhuàng tài 英文解釋:
troubled waters相關詞條:
muddledom 2.
tanglewrack 3.
tangleweed 4.
confusionalstate 5.
tangle 中英例句:
- 混亂狀態,眩暈;騷動
A state of confusion; tumult
- 混亂狀態意向衝突或相反的狀態
A state of being at conflicting or contrary purposes
- 極端混亂狀態;雜亂
A state of violent disorder or riotous confusion; havoc
- 處在混亂狀態
in a state of disorder
- 國王死後出現了無政府混亂狀態。
Anarchy reigned following the death of the king.
- 混亂的處於無秩序或混亂狀態的
Being in a confused or disordered condition
- 心肌的一種混亂狀態。
a disorder (usually of unknown origin) of the heart muscle (myocardium).
- 混亂狀態無次序的狀態;一團糟或亂七八糟
A disordered condition; a mess or jumble