拼音:hùn luàn de英文翻譯
confused; disordered; chaotic; pell-mell; tangly; troubled; turbid【法】 chaotic
1.fuckedup 2.unorderly 3.likeBedlam 4.muddled 5.pell-mell 6.tumultuary 7.disorderly 8.chaotic 9.offtherails 10.confusing 11.hog-wild 12.mazy 13.unsettling 14.muddy 15.untogether 16.mussy例句:
- 可自由參加的爭論,比賽每一位席者都可參加一場混亂的打鬥、爭論或競賽A disorderly fight, argument, or competition in which everyone present takes part.
- 咱們努力收拾這個混亂的局面吧。Let's try to straighten out this confusion.
- 疼痛作為傷害、疾病或感情的混亂的結果以各種不同嚴重程度出現的令人不快的情感An unpleasant sensation occurring in varying degrees of severity as a consequence of injury, disease, or emotional disorder.
- 情緒正常的沒有情緒混亂的Free from emotional disorder.