拼音:huī yìng英文解釋:
reflect; shine中文解釋:
光輝映照 >>查看“輝映”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 閃爍的繁星與城內閃耀的萬家燈火交相輝映。A galaxy of twinkling stars matched the thousands of sparkling city lights.
- 湖光山色, 交相輝映。The lake and the hills add radiance and beauty to each other.
- 與胡風現實主義交相輝映——七月派文藝思想群論A Study of the Literary and Artistic Thought of the July School
- 閃爍的繁星與城內閃耀的萬家燈火交相輝映。A galaxy of twinkling stars matched the thousands of sparkling city lights