拼音:huí yì英文解釋:
remember; recall; recollect; represent; memory; recollection【醫】 palinmnesis; retrospection
(1) ∶回想起的事物痛苦的回憶(2) ∶記憶起來的事情的內容對義大利夏天的美好... >>查看“回憶”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.lookbackon 2.runback 3.recollection 4.reminisce 5.reachback 6.reminiscence 7.memory 8.represent 9.recur 10.remember 11.liveover 12.recalltoonesmind 13.traceback 14.anamnesis 15.palinmnesis 16.retrieve中英例句:
- 你能回憶起多久以前的事情?How far does your memory go back?
- 這件事喚起了他對過去苦難經歷的回憶。The incident woke memories of his past sufferings.
- 把發生的事情儘可能仔細地回憶一下。Try to recall (to mind) exactly what happened.
- 她回憶起他走得很早。She recalled that he had left early.
- 我回憶不起來多長時間了。I can't recall how long it has been.
- 這個地方使人回憶起許多生動的往事。This place conjures up vivid memories.
- 這個貧窮的母親悵惘地回憶她已經逝去的青春。The poor mother has wistful reminiscences of her lost youth.
- 我回憶得起這個人的容貌。I can recall the men's features.