拼音:huì yǎn 英文解釋:
joint performance中文解釋:
各地或各單位的文藝節目集中起來,單獨或同台演出 >>
查看“會演”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 你認為這個劇會演到聖誕節嗎?
Do you think the play will run to Christmas?
- 甚至有可能會演變成另一場核子戰爭。
It even has the potential to escalate into a nuclear war.
- 她是富有經驗的音樂會演奏家。
She’s a seasoned concert performer.
- 她是富有經驗的音樂會演奏家。
She’s a seasoned concert performer
- 他會演奏長笛;你能使這台老錄音機演奏起來嗎。
He plays the flute; Can you play on this old recorder?
- 名詞化隱喻與CEO年會演講語篇的建構
Normalizations in the Construction of AGM CEO Speech Discourse
- 在你這個年齡,你應該會演算分數減法了。
At this age, you should be able to subtract one fraction from another.
- 全軍文藝會演大會
theatrical festival of the whole army