拼音:huī jiāng 英文解釋:
【化】 grout; mortar中文解釋:
一種能硬化的塑性建築材料,用於砌築或抹面;尤指水泥、石灰或石膏與砂子和水的混合物... >>
查看“灰漿”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
plaster 2.
grout 漢語造句:
- 灰漿層一層鋪放石頭或磚的砂漿層
A layer of mortar upon which stones or bricks are laid.
- 腳手架頂上的砌磚工人喊著要人再送些灰漿上去。
The brick-layer at the top of the scaffold is calling for more mortar.
- 灰漿桶,磚泥斗背在肩上用以搬運磚頭或石灰等的槽
A trough carried over the shoulder for transporting loads, as of bricks or mortar.
- 粉刷用石灰漿蓋住或刷擦
To cover or wash with calcimine.
- 薄灰漿用來填充磚石建築中縫隙的薄灰漿
A thin mortar used to fill cracks and crevices in masonry
- 灰泥濕灰泥、灰漿或水泥
Wet plaster, mortar, or cement.
- 那無形的牆好像被淡漠的灰漿接合得更加堅固了。
That invisible wall was now being cemented by the mortar of indifference.
- 滌塞用黏土或灰漿填充
To fill in with clay or mortar.