拼音:huì huà de 英文解釋:
painterly; pictorial相關詞條:
graphical 中英例句:
- 寓言,諷喻一種文學、戲劇或繪畫的藝術手法,其中人物和事件代表抽象的觀點、原則或支配力,從而使表面含義含有或表達一種對等的,但更深刻的象徵意義
A literary, dramatic, or pictorial device in which characters and events stand for abstract ideas, principles, or forces, so that the literal sense has or suggests a parallel, deeper symbolic sense.
- 你有繪畫的才能嗎?
Have you got a talent for painting?
- 虛擬動作繪畫的互動三維畫布(英文)
Interactive 3D Canvas for Virtual Action Painting
- 蠟筆繪法,彩色粉筆畫法用彩色粉筆繪畫的工藝或過程
The art or process of drawing with pastels.
- 你有繪畫的才能嗎?
Have you got a talent for painting
- 馬丁尼,西蒙尼1283?-1344義大利畫家,錫耶納的哥德式繪畫的代表人物
Italian painter whose work is representative of the Sienese Gothic style.
- 他有繪畫的天分。
He has the gift to draw painting.