拼音:huī fù qī英文解釋:
convalescence【醫】 decubation; recovery phase; restoration stage; stadium annihilationis
stadium convalesentiae
從疾病消除到完全復原的一段時間 >>查看“恢復期”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.decubation 2.convalescentstage 3.restorationstage 4.recoveryphase 5.recoveryperiod漢語造句:
- 提前結束恢復期令討厭,但這樣做至少可以使我的功課趕上去。Enforced convalescence is a nuisance, but at any rate it allows me to catch up with my reading.
- 緊隨著大手術的危險的恢復期Major surgery followed by a touch-and-go recovery
- 恢復期的飲食a convalescent diet
- 她在病後恢復期間始終有信心。She bore up well during her convalescence.