字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>毀掉的英文翻譯


拼音:huǐ diào


break down; finish; go to sticks and staves
【經】 breakdown


1.gotosticks  2.kill  


  1. 愛你的鄰人吧,但也別毀掉你的籬笆。
    Love your neighbour, yet do not pull down your hedge.
  2. 敵人在逃往國外前,妄圖把所有工廠都毀掉
    Before they fled the country, the enemy vainly attempted to destroy all the factories.
  3. 毀掉一本好書與殺人無異。
    As good almost kill a man as kill a good book.
  4. 死亡毀掉了他的前途和希望。
    Death put an end to his views and prospects.
  5. 毀掉的容顏使她怎么也無法變得耀眼迷人。
    She suffered from a disfigurement that cannot be made to look attractive
  6. 她把我們成功的機會全部毀掉了。
    She has gambled away our chances of success.
  7. 在逃往國外之前,敵人企圖把工廠毀掉
    Before they fled the country, the enemy attempted to destroy the factories.
  8. 據報導地震毀掉了整個城。
    The earthquake was reported to have finished off the whole town.
