拼音:huí chē 英文解釋:
【計】 carriage return; CR; enter中文解釋:
迴轉其車。 漢 鄒陽 《獄中上書》:“邑號 朝歌 , 墨子 回車。”《後漢書·... >>
查看“回車”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
carrierreturn 2.
return 中英例句:
- 他沖回車間。
He shot back to his workshop.
- 他匆匆忙忙吃了幾口東西, 又回車間去了。
He bolted down a few mouthful of food and hurried back to the workshop
- 現在我們最好還是回車站吧。
We had better go back to the station now.
- 螢幕上出現主選單時請按回車鍵。
Please press enter key when you see the main menu on the screen.
- 回車場,回車道公路上的一塊地方,允許車輛迴旋
A space, as in a driveway, permitting the turning around of a vehicle
- 那女孩匆忙地問: “來回車票多少錢?”
"How much for a round-trip ticket " the girl asked quickly
- (可選)輸入注釋,然後回車。
Optional) Type a comment, then press Enter
- 在VC++中文本框控制項如何通過回車鍵轉移焦點
the Shift of Focus Between Editbox using ENTER in VC+ +