字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>會場的英文翻譯 “會場”的日文翻譯


拼音:huì chǎng


assembly room


聚會或集會的場地 >>查看“會場”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 主席咚咚地敲桌維持會場秩序。
    The chairman rapped the table to call the meeting to order.
  2. 會場四:設計--設計如何跨越理想和現實的鴻溝?
    Breakout Four : How to bridge the design expectation gap?
  3. 約翰揮動著一片紙, 怒氣沖沖地走進會場
    John stormed into the meeting waving a piece of paper about.
  4. 主席團決定今天晚上的會議另選會場
    The praesidium has decided to hold this evening’s meeting elsewhere.
  5. 提早幾分鐘到達會場
    Arrived at the meeting a few minutes early
  6. 退出會場
    walk out of a meeting
  7. 有幾位同志提出在會後留下來幫助打掃會場
    Some comrades of fered to remain behind to help clear up after the meeting.
  8. 我們這一大批不速之客來到了聚會場
    A whole crowd of us arrived at the party uninvited
