字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>會的英文翻譯 “會”的日文翻譯



occasion; a moment; assemble; be skilful in; be sure to; meeting; society
【法】 meet


會 (會) huì 聚合,合攏,合在一起:會合。會審。會話。 多數人的集合或組...


  1. 瓊斯先生說他繳付500美元。
    Mr. Jones said he would kick in with 500 dollars.
  2. 他是一位國議員。
    He is a senator of the state council
  3. 海爾弟弟:它,它還來嗎?
    YB: So, will it come again?
  4. 如果我們打開窗戶使你覺得不適嗎?
    Will it incommode you if we open the window
  5. 參加捷克1984年第二屆國際摩擦學議的報告
    Report on Second International Tribology Conference 1984(Czechoslovakia)
  6. 我認為納稅人對這些不很樂意的。
    I do not think the tax payers are very happy about that.
  7. 一個注定要失敗的愚蠢方案;一部必定成為經典的電影
    A foolish scheme destined to fail; a film destined to become a classic
  8. 為什麼田納西巴黎鎮的路標上有一隻巨大的鯰魚?
    Why is there a giant catfish on top of that sign for Paris, Tennessee?
