拼音:hú dù英文解釋:
radian【計】 radian
【化】 radian
【醫】 radian
平面角的一種量度單位,其大小等於角所對的弧長被半徑除的商,1弧度等於180&de... >>查看“弧度”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.radianmeasure 2.radin 3.circularmeasure 4.curvature 5.rad(unitofabsorbeddose)漢語造句:
- 角距離單位相當於(待查表)弧度。a unit of angular distance equal to one thousandth of a radian
- 函式的作用是:將角度轉換為弧度。The deg2rad function converts a degree to its radian number.
- 用角測量的或用弧度測量的。measured by an angle or by the rate of change of an angle.
- 包覆式壓邊裝置---挾持楦頭定位穩固,內腰弧度更佳緊密貼實。Wrap-around Side Clamp Device: Help make perfect lasting on waist area.
- 角距離單位相當於(待查表)弧度。a unit of angular distance equal to one thousandth of a radian.
- 超卓的弧度,精絕的裝飾,戰爭的藝術品!Excellent radian, beautiful decoration, the artwork of the war!
- 在跨度內有兩個明顯的中心點且弧度比較平緩的拱。a blunt pointed arch drawn from two centers within the span