拼音:huá xuě dào英文解釋:
ski run相關詞條:
1.ski-run 2.piste漢語造句:
- 在滑雪道外滑雪比在擁擠的滑雪道上滑雪有趣。Off- piste skiing is more fun than skiing on the crowded piste.
- 服務員貼出列明已開放的滑雪道的告示。The courier posted up a list of ski run, which is open.
- 拱壩滑雪道式溢洪道進口閘首的應力研究Study on Stress of Intake Head in Ski-jump Spillway of Arch Dam
- 在滑雪道外滑雪比在擁擠的滑雪道上滑雪有趣。Off-piste skiing is more fun than skiing on the crowded piste.
- 服務員貼出列明已開放的滑雪道的告示。The courier posted up a list of ski run, which is open