拼音:huá xíng英文解釋:
coast; slide; slip中文解釋:
在冰、雪面上平穩移動在冰上滑行 >>查看“滑行”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.plane 2.glide 3.sliding 4.glider 5.water-ski 6.taxiing 7.totaxi相關對話:
- 飛機沿跑道滑行。The plane taxied along the tarmac.
- 飛機在跑道上滑行。The plane taxied/was taxiing along the runway.
- 你現在可以開始順坡向下滑行了。Now you can start to coast down the slope.
- 為了節省汽油,司機每有可能就關閉引擎讓車滑行。The driver switched off the engine whenever he could and just coasted along to save oil.
- 駕駛員設法使飛機滑行下降安全著陸。The pilot managed to glide down to a safe landing.