拼音:huá shuǐ英文解釋:
- 划水使我感到無比的高興。Water-skiing gives me a tremendous kick
- 橫槳槳面在划水時的羽狀動作The act of feathering the blade of an oar in rowing.
- 對爬泳划水主要階段手掌攻角的探討Discussion on Angle of Attack in the Main Phase of Crawl Paddling
- 你划水的姿勢基本上要像是游泳時划水一樣。Your paddle stroke should be essentially like a crawl-swimming stroke
- 划水使我感到無比的高興。Water-skiing gives me a tremendous kick.
- 高手扔球、划水或發球An overhand throw, stroke, or delivery.