字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>划去的英文翻譯


拼音:huá qù


rule out; stroke
【法】 rule out


  1. 如果第二天天好的話,他們計划去野餐。
    He planed for a picnic if the next day were fine
  2. 他計划去拜訪那個牙醫。
    he scheduled a visit to the dentist
  3. 他計划去南美。
    He purposed to visit South America.
  4. 我們計划去海濱度假。
    We plan to go to the seaside for our holidays.
  5. 今年夏天我計划去杭州。
    I plan to go to Hangzhou this summer.
  6. 我希望你不會把我的名字從比賽中划去
    I hope you are not going to scratch me.
  7. 他們坐在獨木舟上向下游划去
    They paddled down the river in a canoe
  8. 飯後我們計划去本哈特劇院觀看BurtonThorpe主演的<<哈姆雷特>>。
    Later we plan to go to the Bernhardt Theater to see Burton Thorpe in Hamlet
