字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>換熱的英文翻譯


拼音:huàn rè


【化】 heat exchange


  1. 熱網換熱
    heat exchanger of district heat supply network
  2. F_(302)換熱器管板和殼體熱應力的強度分析
    Thermal Stress Analysis of Shell and Tube Board of F 302 Thermal Transducer
  3. 銅管——管殼式換熱器設計中的幾個問題
    A Few Problems in the Design of Copper Pipe Shell-and-tube Heat Exchanger
  4. 管殼式換熱器火用損分析
    Exergy loss analysis of shell and tube exchanger
  5. 鋁製板翅式換熱器是我公司的一大特色產品。
    The plate-fin beat exchanger is one of our characteristic products.
  6. 旋轉光滑及帶肋U形通道的局部換熱特性
    Local Heat Transfer in a Rotating Smooth and Ribbed U-shaped Channels
  7. 熱媒—水換熱器緩蝕劑IMC-50-S現場試驗
    Field Test for IMC-50-S Inhibitor of Heating Medium-Water Heat Exchanger
  8. 洗化廠換熱網路最佳化
    Optimization of Heat Exchanger Networks of the Wash & Chemical Company
