拼音:huáng shì英文解釋:
royalty【法】 imperial household
皇家,皇帝內室皇室成員 >>查看“皇室”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 紫紅色衣服顏色介於紫色與紅色之間的衣服,曾表示穿著者是皇室或高官的象徵Cloth of a color between violet and red, formerly worn as a symbol of royalty or high office.
- 她聲稱她是皇室後裔。She claims to be descended from royalty.
- 我們經常抨擊政府,但對皇室從無不敬之意。We often criticize the Government, but we're never disrespectful towards the Royal Family.
- 英格蘭的郡庭(在1971年被皇室法庭代替)。the county courts of England (replaced in 1971 by crown courts).
- 街上掛起了旗子,慶祝皇室婚禮。The streets were flagged to celebrate the royal wedding.
- 你的意思是,最後一名死者不是皇室隨從的一員?You mean, the latest victim is not part of the royal retinue?
- 人們蜂擁而至瞻望皇室人員外出時的儀仗隊.People came in flocks to see the royal procession.
- 還有Hector Elizondo扮演的皇室助理;Hector Elizondo as a royal assistant;