拼音:huái hèn 英文解釋:
grudge; harbour resentment
心存怨恨懷恨在心 >>
查看“懷恨”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 我總感覺到她因某種緣故而對我懷恨在心。
I always have a felling that for some reason she bears a grudge against me.
- 她對自己的宿仇仍然懷恨在心。
She still nursed a grudge against her old enemy.
- 他受騙後,就對他們一直懷恨在心。
He has held a hatred for them after he was taken in
- 兩個政黨間懷恨的爭吵。
a bitter quarrel between two parties
- 他知道自己失敗以後,就懷恨所有的同班同學。
Knowledge of his own failure has empoisoned him against all the classmates.
- 對懷恨
cherish a grudge against
- 我沒有對她懷恨在心。
I do not nurse a hatred to feel concerned to her