拼音:huài chù英文解釋:
disadvantage; harm中文解釋:
不利或不好的方面不要把人家老往壞處想 >>查看“壞處”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 一點點對你不會有什麼壞處。A little of it will not do you any harm.
- 她是那些老是把困難往最壞處想的女人之一。She is one of those women who always make the worst of their troubles.
- 試一下不會有什麼壞處的。No harm can come of trying.
- 混凝土表層破壞處理treatment of concrete surface defect
- 腳踏車的好處和壞處是什麼?What is the advantage and disadvantage of riding bike?
- 偶爾開懷大笑沒什麼壞處。It do not hurt to have a good laugh once in a while
- 試一試,對你沒壞處。It wont hurt you to have a try
- 有點保障,不會有壞處。A little insurance never hurt