拼音:huá guò 英文解釋:
glide; skate; skate over; skim over; skim through; slip相關詞條:
overslip 中英例句:
- 一隻巨大的水母滑過你的身邊。
A large jellyfish glides past you
- 由高速遊艇牽引在水上滑過。
for skimming over water towed by a speedboat
- 阻止繩子從一個孔內滑過的結。
a knot that prevents a rope from passing through a hole
- 我從未穿過滑雪板(從沒滑過雪)。
I have never been on skis.
- 他一下子滑過了整個溜冰場。
He skated the length of the rink without stopping.
- 在檯球中一個錯誤的擊球;球桿滑過母球。
a faulty shot in billiards; the cue tip slips off the cue ball
- 那些潤滑過的複印機的種類錯綜複雜.
The categories of the lubricated duplicators are intricate.
- 滑過冰封的湖面需10分鐘。
It took ten minutes to skate over the frozen lake to the other side.