draw; paint; describe; painting; picture中文解釋:
畫 (畫) huà 繪圖:繪畫。畫圖。畫像。畫地為牢。畫脂鏤冰(在凝固的油脂或...>>查看“畫”在國語字典中的解釋
1.paint 2.pictute 3.painted 4.graffito 5.describe 6.outdrawing 7.impaint例句:
- 這幅畫表現了牛在溪邊飲水的迷人的田園風光。The picture showed a charming pastoral scene of cows drinking from a stream.
- 他的畫在畫廊展出。His pictures were showed in the gallery.
- 牆上有一幅武士站在戰車上的畫。There is a picture of a fighter standing on a chariot on the wall.
- 畫中的蘋果顯得多逼真啊!What a realistic looking apple in the picture!
- 小女孩在紙上畫了一個正方形。The little girl drew a square on the paper.
- 他在紙上畫了一條直線。He drew a straight line on the paper.
- 她擅長繪畫。She is clever at painting.
- 那幅畫是原作還是複製品?Is that painting an original or a reproduction?