拼音:hóu yán 英文解釋:
【醫】 angina laryngea; laryngitis中文解釋:
喉的炎症 >>
查看“喉炎”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 演主角的男演員得了喉炎,不過他的替角代替了他,而且表演得極為出色。
The leading man got laryngitis but his understudy stepped into the breach and gave an excellent performance.
- 以前他幾乎每年冬季都要發作,醫生說他患了喉炎。
He had it almost every winter before. The doctor called it laryngitis.
- 一般認為維生素C對咽喉炎和感冒有療效。
Vitamin C is believed to help fight sore throats and colds.
- 膿毒性咽喉炎;不潔的環境;腐臭的污水。
a septic sore throat; a septic environment; septic sewage
- 我妻子患喉炎,噪子啞了好幾天了。
My wife had laryngitis and lost her voice for several days.