字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>後門的英文翻譯 “後門”的日文翻譯


拼音:hòu mén


back door; backdoor; postern
【法】 back door


(1) (2) 後部的門(3) 被認為是在後面的、通常又是偏遠的或在地理上與主要... >>查看“後門”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他想從後門溜走, 記者把他截住了。
    Reporters intercepted him as he tried to leave by the rear entrance.
  2. 後門有鎖嗎?
    Does the back door have a lock on it?
  3. 他通過走後門把他兒子弄進了一所飛行學校。
    He got hid son into a flying school through the back door
  4. 那個男孩從後門溜掉了。
    The boy did a guy at the back door
  5. 小偷從房子的後門溜出去了。
    The thief goes out from the back door of a house
  6. 後門,邊門尤指要塞或城堡中的小後門
    A small rear gate, especially one in a fort or castle.
  7. 你得從後門進去。
    You have to go in through the back entrance.
  8. 我飯店的臥室有一扇後門,是通往長廊的。
    My hotel bedroom had a rear door which opened on to a long porch.
