拼音:hòu lù英文解釋:
a way of escape; rout of retreat中文解釋:
(1) ∶軍隊背後的運輸線或退路抄敵人後路(2) ∶比喻迴旋的餘地留條後路 >>查看“後路”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 切斷敵人後路cut off the enemy's route of retreat
- 後路顯微椎間盤鏡手術系統擴大運用的臨床研究The clinical research on the enlargement of application of MED.
- 現在我們不能再退了,因為後路已被截斷了。Now we can’t retreat any more, for our retreat has been cut off.
- 戴西成為尼姑後,就等於自斷後路,別的事都不能幹了。When Daisy became a nun, she burned her brides behind her
- 留後路leave oneself a way of escape; leave some leeway