字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>後來的的英文翻譯


拼音:hòu lái de


【經】 subsequent


  1. 後來的數十年里,X射線逐漸成為一種套用廣泛的診斷工具。
    Over the next few decades, X-rays grew into a widely used diagnostic tool.
  2. 約翰在校時學習很用功,這為他後來的成就鋪平了道路。
    Hard study in school put John on the fair road to success.
  3. 後來的數十年里,X射線逐漸成為一種套用廣泛的診斷工具。
    Over the next few decades, X-rays grew into a widely used diagnostic tool
  4. 而當時的紐奧良爵士隊就是後來的猶他爵士。
    Oh yes, and the New Orleans Jazz became the Utah Jazz.
  5. 後來的一位鄰居跟我談起了他。
    Later a neighbour told me about him.
  6. 而在後來的各種學術文章中,他更是自覺地探求散文藝術的特殊規律。
    Wu Huan-zhang shows his concern on the aesthetics of fine prose.
  7. 父親或母親後來的配偶。
    the spouse of your parent by a subsequent marriage.
  8. 廷德爾空軍基地將為後來的飛行員準備一份不同的訓練大綱。
    Tyndall will use a different syllabus for later pilots
