拼音:hòu dùn英文解釋:
backing; backup force; supporter【醫】 back-up
(1) ∶提供支持的人堅強的後盾(2) ∶背後的有力援助或支持 >>查看“後盾”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 告訴我,如果我妻子病了,我如何做才能成為她的堅強後盾呢?”How do I know I’d have what it takes to stand by my wife if she got sick?
- 我作你的後盾。I am right behind you!
- 這個團體的主要經濟後盾a leading support in finance of the society
- 堅強可靠的後盾a powerful and secure backing
- 他對這門學科的知識是他的論據的有力後盾。His knowledge of the subject is the strength of his argument.
- 這樣"巨神像"成為"狂熱者"部隊理想的支援後盾.This makes the colossus the ideal support unit for this group of Zealots.
- 英國愛爾梅達資本公司是私人股份諮詢公司,蘇格蘭銀行是我們強大的經濟後盾。We are a private equity advisory firm backed by Bank of Scotland
- 無助的沒有後盾或支持Lacking backing or support.