字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>喉的的英文翻譯


拼音:hóu de


【醫】 laryngeal


1.jugular  2.laryngeal  3.laryngal  


  1. 她那歌喉的魅力令觀眾陶醉。
    The magic of her voice charmed the audience.
  2. 喉切除術部分或全部切除咽喉的外科手術
    Surgical removal of part or all of the larynx.
  3. 在嘴或喉的後部發出的輔音。
    a consonant articulated in the back of the mouth or throat
  4. 尖部伸向鞋喉的一種裝飾性的鞋頭皮。
    a decorative toecap having a point extending toward the throat of the shoe
  5. 頸的,喉的,位於頸部和喉部的
    Of, relating to, or located in the region of the neck or throat.
  6. 在嘴或喉的後部發出的輔音。
    a consonant articulated in the back of the mouth or throat.
  7. 它又是最智慧的瘋狂,哽喉的苦味,吃不到嘴的蜜糖。
    It is the wisdom of madness, choking bitterness, it does not tip of honey.
  8. 喉的屬於、關於、影響或接近喉部的
    Of, relating to, affecting, or near the larynx.
