after; back; behind; offspring; queen【醫】 meta-; post-; retro-
後 (③後⑥後) hòu 上古稱君主:商之先後(先王)。 帝王的妻子:皇后。太...>>查看“後”在國語字典中的解釋
- 每一天的行程都在我回到旅館四樓的屋頂陽台後告一段落。I ended each day on the fourth-floor roof terrace of my hotel.
- 她嚴重跌傷後整整一個月動彈不得。After a bad fall she was out of action for a month.
- 訓練最後是一場在半邊球場進行的10人制的比賽。MILANELLO - Training ended with a ten-a-side game on a half-size pitch
- 大毛巾;沐浴後擦乾身體的。a large towel; to dry yourself after a bath.
- 幹了那么多艱苦勞動之後,你需要一個假期來恢復健康和活力。You need a holiday to set you up again after all that hard work
- 上次戰爭後很長一段時間;以讀書消磨時光A long time since the last war; passed the time reading
- 順便問一下,我們取消後可拿回定金嗎?By the way, will we be able to get a refund on this cancellation?
- 他過了許久以後才來。It was long before he came.