拼音:hóng yǎn 英文解釋:
【醫】 pink eye; pink-eye中文解釋:
(1) ∶發怒,不能控制自己動不動就紅眼(2) ∶眼紅紅眼病 >>
查看“紅眼”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 紅眼魚一種有紅眼的魚,如鈍盔太陽魚
Any of several fishes with red eyes, as the rock bass
- 小小的紅眼樹蛙可能是人們擺脫愛滋病困擾的關鍵所在。
A little red-eyed frog could hold the key to ending the scourge of AIDS.
- 雞尾酒紅眼睛需要在表面上加一個蛋黃。
A Red Eye is red beer with an egg yolk floating on the surface
- 雞尾酒紅眼睛需要在表面上加一個蛋黃。
A Red Eye is red beer with an egg yolk floating on the surface.
- 是的,你,紅眼的,藉由喇叭鑲邊的眼鏡和一個黑色的套頭。
Yes, you, red-eyed, with horn-rimmed glasses and a black turtleneck
- 對我而言,教書是個令人熬紅眼睛、手心冒汗、胃部虛脫的行當。
For me, teaching is a red-eye, sweaty-palm, sinking-stomach profession
- 山田先生為了今天早上趕到這兒,乘坐了夜間(紅眼)航班。
Mr Yamada caught a red-eye flight in order to be here this morning
- 北美洲東部常見的紅眼雀。
common towhee of eastern North America.