拼音:hóng lì英文解釋:
bonus; melon【經】 bonus; dividend on shares
(1) ∶參加集體生產單位的個人所得的額外收益(2) ∶企業分給股東的利潤 >>查看“紅利”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.capitalbonus 2.bouns 3.divi漢語造句:
- 我一想到有那么一大筆紅利就垂涎三尺。I licked my chops when I thought of that huge bonus.
- 算出你應得的紅利是多少?What does your share of the bonus work out at?
- 該公債發行的條件為年利5。5%,面額100元者以97元發行,紅利預定5。97%。The annual interest rate is5.5 percent and the issue price$97. The bond is expected to yield5.97 percent.
- 他們公司的值錢而又紅利穩。The shares of their company are blue chip.
- 紅利是股東對公司利潤的分享。Dividends represent a share in the profit of a company to the shareholder.
- 附加物,紅利超出或超過預期或應付的紅利An excess or a bonus beyond what is expected or due.
- 收取股息或分享紅利等。Collecting dividends or share dividend, and so on.
- [美]決定不付紅利pass a dividend