字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>烘烤的英文翻譯


拼音:hōng kǎo


bake; roast; toast
【醫】 torrefaction; torrefy


∶由加熱作用而使其(如麵包)發脆、受熱、變為棕色烘烤麵包 >>查看“烘烤”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.hotairdrying  2.cake  3.burning-off  4.bakeout  5.firing  


  1. 餅乾由烘烤劑或蘇打發酵製成的鬆脆的小塊點心
    A small cake of shortened bread leavened with baking powder or soda.
  2. 把火雞與所有的配料一同烘烤
    Roast turkey with all the trimmings.
  3. 我可以輕而易舉地烘烤出一隻更好的蛋糕。
    I could bake a better cake with one arm tied behind my back!
  4. 書頁因火的烘烤而捲曲。
    The pages of the book had curled up from the heat of the fire.
  5. 放進烤箱裡用中等溫度烘烤
    Bake in a moderately hot oven
  6. 餅乾由烘烤劑或蘇打發酵製成的鬆脆的小塊點心
    A small cake of shortened bread leavened with baking powder or soda
  7. 用於烘烤和提供單獨部分的防火的小碟子。
    a small fireproof dish used for baking and serving individual portions
  8. 烘烤餐會供應烤制食品的一種社交聚會
    A social gathering at which food is cooked by baking and then served
