拼音:hóng bān英文解釋:
erythema【醫】 dermatitis erythematosa; erythema; rosalia; simplex dermatitis
1.redspot 2.spiloplaxia 3.greatredspot中英例句:
- 她手上起了紅斑點。Her hands came out in red spots.
- 妊娠股臀紅斑:一種新的妊娠皮膚病?Gluteofemoral Erythema of Pregnancy: A new Dermatosis of Pregnancy?
- 妊娠股臀紅斑:一種新的妊娠皮膚病Gluteofemoral Erythema of Pregnancy: A new Dermatosis of Pregnancy
- 她渾身上下都發了疼痛的紅斑。Her whole body was covered from head to toe in painful red spots.
- 報告1例斑禿伴白癜風和盤狀紅斑狼瘡。A case of alopecia areata associated with vitiligo and DLE is reported.
- 水腫和紅斑也於用藥很少幾天后減輕了。Swelling and erythema receded after a few days