- 布希: 聽起來責任不小啊,合資企業呢?
sounds like a lot of responsibilities What about a joint venture
- 我們是一家中美合資企業,註冊資本為1000萬美元。
We are a Sino-US joint venture with a registered capital of USD10 million.
- 我們正在考慮建立一個中等規模的生產工具機的合資企業。
We are considering a machine tool joint venture of moderate scale
- 我想更多地了解貴國有關合資企業的政策。
I want to know more about the joint venture policy of your country.
- 合資企業有無合營期限?
Be there any time limit for a joint venture
- 他要一份可能參加合資企業的公司簡介。
He ask for a company profile of the possible partner in the joint venture.
- 貴公司是一家中法合資企業,生產標緻小汽車。
Your company is a Sino-French joint venture which produces Peugeot cars
- 我們是一家中美合資企業,註冊資本為1000萬美元。
We are a Sino-US joint venture with a registered capital of USD10 million