拼音:hé wǔ qì英文翻譯
nuke【法】 nuclear
1.nuke 2.nuclearweapons 3.A-weapon例句:
- 人門要求禁止使用核武器。The people ask for a ban-the-bomb.
- 這個國家應該主動提出禁止核武器。It's up to this country to take the initiative in banning nuclear weapons.
- 遊行者打著橫幅,上有大字`禁止使用核武器'。The marchers carried banners with the words `No Nuclear Weapons' in large letters.
- 我們的最終目標是消除所有核武器。Our ultimate objective is the removal of all nuclear weapons.
- 大學生們積極投入開展反對核武器的運動。The college students are active to crusade against the nuclear weapons.