拼音:héng sǎo英文解釋:
sweep anything away中文解釋:
(1) ∶掃蕩;掃除(2) ∶形容勢不可擋,所向無敵橫掃千軍如卷席 >>查看“橫掃”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 暴風雨橫掃平原。The storm swept the plain.
- 探照燈橫掃天空。The beams of the searchlights traversed the sky.
- 對於洋基與大門來說,橫掃所帶來的傷害真是血淋淋的。But the sting of a sweep is still fresh for some Yankees, including Damon.
- 天生麗質,什麼都逃不過他那橫掃的鐮刀。A born beauty, escape everything however his that sickle for sweep
- 颱風橫掃海岸。A typhoon swept across the coast
- 暴風雪橫掃全國。A blizzard swept the country