- 但是用核聚變方法代替核裂變方法之後,這一困難將得到解決。
But with the use of fusion instead of fission, that difficulty is resolved.
- 核聚變(核子融合)發生時,一顆恆星就開始了形成過程。
5 a star begins to form when nuclear fusion takes place.
- 雷射熱核聚變能源系統研究
Research on Power Conditioning System for the Laser Thermonuclear Fusion
- 用受控核聚變控制能量產生的反應堆。
a nuclear reactor that uses controlled nuclear fusion to generate energy.
- 正常的持續穩定核聚變點火溫度約400萬度左右!
Jupiter is still cooling and shrinking, at an estimated rate of 1 mm/yr.
- 核聚變(核子融合)發生時,一顆恆星就開始了形成過程。
5 a star begins to form when nuclear fusion takes place
- 用受控核聚變控制能量產生的反應堆。
a nuclear reactor that uses controlled nuclear fusion to generate energy
- 核聚變的概念引人入勝。
Nuclear fusion is a compelling idea