拼音:hé jú 英文解釋:
(1) ∶ 不分勝負的結局(2) ∶ 相等的得分數 >>
查看“和局”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
tie 2.
draw 3.
drawgame 4.
evenscore 5.
drawngame 漢語造句:
- 比賽以和局結束。
The game ended in a draw.
- 比賽以和局結束。
The game ended in a draw [tie]
- 當代新儒家的追求和局限管窺——從杜維明《現代精神與儒家傳統》說起
On the Pursuits and Limitations of Contemporary New Confucianism
- 腦鈉素對實驗性局部腦缺血腦組織水含量和局部腦血流的影響
Effect of Brain Natriretic peptide on ischemic brain edema and rCBF in cats
- 他與團體之間的格格不入以和局結束。
The running fight between himself and society had ended in a draw
- 引傳痛和局部抽搐反應則是肌筋膜激痛點的確認性徵象。
Referred pain and local twitch response are confirmatory signs of MTrPs.