- 儘管家中偶而有時也會出現一些溫柔和和解的跡象。
There were also, however, some signs of tenderness and reconciliation.
- 和解的爬行動物歇在易碎的瓷磚上
The reconciled reptiles rest on a fragile tile
- 所有力圖使他和兄長和解的努力都成為徒勞。
All efforts to reconcile him with his elder brother proved vain.
- 送花以當作和解的表示。
sent flowers as a propitiatory gesture
- 我們倆爭吵後,吉爾首先作出和解的表示。
Jill was the first to hold out the olive branch after our argument.
- 會議開始時,人人都抱著和解的想法。
Everyone was in a conciliatory mood at the start of the meeting.
- 會議開始時,人人都抱著和解的想法。
Everyone was in a conciliatory mood at the start of the meeting
- 他是來和你和解的。
He is coming to make up with you.